PRELIMINARY DRAFT - for internal VAS use only
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Previous Lactations Tab
If the animal has one or more lactations on record, the PrevLacts tab displays a record of the animal's previous lactations and some of the key measurements from each lactation.
Each previous lactation row displays the following:
- L#: Lactation number
- Age: The animal's age at the time of freshening
- FDAT: The fresh date
- CDAT: The conception date
- DDAT: The dry date
- TOTM: Total milk
- TOTF: Total fat
- TOTP: Total protein
- 305ME: The final 305 day milk
- RELV: The final relative value
- DOPN: Days open
- DIM: The final days in milk
- DDRY: Days dry
- SIRC: Sire of the calves born
- CALF1: First calf's sex and ID. If stillborn, the value is DOA.
- CALF2: Second calf's sex and ID (if twins)
- CALF3: Third calf's sex and ID (if triplets)